Hygia Bio. Biosafety . Biotechnology

Disinfection control and infection prevention

Hygia bio

About Hygia Bio

Hygia Bio was born with the purpose of making the medical-hospital environment safer, providing products and solutions with assured quality and with great cost benefit for Central sterile supply department (CSSD) in hospitals, biopharmaceutical industries, medical and dental clinics in Brazil and abroad.


We are a company specialized in sterilization solutions, therefore, all our investment is destined to provide the best in technology and research for our customers.

Our purpose is to democratize access to ultra-fast biotechnological analyzes and cutting-edge products/services, enabling efficient solutions at a competitive cost.

Hygia Bio

Medical-hospital biosafety solutions

We were born with the purpose of innovating to make the medical-hospital environment safer, reducing the risks of infections related to health care.

Hygia bio

Biological indicators by fluorescence

Self-contained biological indicator with visual or rapid fluorescence reading, it is designed to monitor and ensure the effectiveness of sterilization.

Used in CSSD (Central Sterile Services Department) of hospitals:

Biological indicators by PH


And the Biological Indicators by PH, used in health establishments such as medical clinics, dentistry, aesthetics and tattoo studios.


A “dead” organism is considered when:

* There is no proliferation in culture media that once showed proliferation

* The probability of survival of the organism is less than 10-6 CFU
We consider an article sterile when the probability of survival of microorganisms is less than 1:1,000,000

“Standardized preparation containing live and viable microorganisms, known to be resistant to the sterilization method to be monitored, and whose objective is to demonstrate whether the conditions in the sterilizer are adequate to produce sterilization” Favero, 1998

Yes, Hygia Bio’s indicators can be read on the main readers on the market!

For assured quality, a biological indicator must be packaged within a process challenge device (PCD) and used to monitor each load of material containing sterilized critical medical devices or implants. The number of packages must be proportional to the size of the autoclave.

Innovation and technology to preserve life

Hospitals / Clinics / Offices
