Hygia Bio will be at Arab Health 2024

Hygia bio

Arab Health is one of the biggest international healthcare and medicine conferences in the world, held annually in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. We from Hygia, together with our CEO Cícero Oliveira, will be present on the 2024 edition.

This is one more opportunity for the healthcare professional, companies in the medical sector, and related organizations to gather, share knowledge, present innovations, and establish strategic partnerships. Check out more information about this important event.

Main Characteristics of Arab Health

The conference is known for its wide exposition, covering a vast range of sectors of the health industry. This includes medical equipment, devices, diagnostic technologies, pharmaceutical products, TI solutions for health, hospital services, and much more.

Arab Health attracts participants from all over the world, including healthcare professionals, company representatives, researchers, innovators, and medical industry professionals. This diversity creates a propitious environment to exchange ideas and establish international networks.

  • Meetings and Workshops: Besides the exposition, the conference also offers a series of meetings, presentations, and workshops. These events provide a platform to discuss scientific advancements, market tendencies, challenges of the industries, and collaboration opportunities.
  • Technological Innovations: Arab Health is a fertile ground to present innovations and technological advancements in the healthcare area. Companies and startups have the opportunity to launch new products, show cutting-edge technology, and receive direct feedback from professionals and sector specialists
  • Networking: The conference provides an excellent opportunity to establish strategic partnerships, connect potential clients, distributors, and investors, and strengthen commercial relationships. The presence of representatives of different sectors in healthcare provides many networking opportunities

The importance of the Conferwence to the World

Arab Health plays a fundamental role in the global healthcare and medicine scenario, being a meaningful event of worldwide importance. Below there are a few topics that highlight the relevance of this conference internationally:

International Colaboration

The conference eases collaboration and the making of strategic partnerships between healthcare organizations, companies from the medical sector, academic institutions, and professionals from the entire world. This collaboration can result in meaningful advances in research, product development, and in healthcare as a whole.

Markets Developments

To companies in the healthcare sector, the participation in Arab Health is an opportunity to expand markets and explore businesses opportunities at a global scale. The exposition to an international and diversified public can lead to commercial agreements, distribution of products in new markers, and increase of global visibility.

Professional Training

Healthcare professionals have access to meetings, workshops, and presentations that offer updates regarding the latest tendencies, advanced clinical practices, and scientific discoveries. This contributed to continuous education and professional enhancement.

Response to Healthcare’s Global Challenges

Given the global nature of healthcare challenges, Arab Health provides an excellent forum where specialists can discuss and search for collaborative solutions for pressing questions, like pandemics, chronic diseases and access to healthcare in the entire world.

What to expect of Arab Health 2024?
  • Healthcare Professionals: More than 110.000 professional visits
  • Expositors: More than 3.450 expositor companies
  • Visiting Countries: More than 180 participant countries
  • Meetings: More than 3.600 meetings

Hygia Bio will be present in Arab Health 2024

We have the happiness to announce our presence at Arab Health 2024, reinforcing our role as an innovating leader in the healthcare industry. As an expositor, we’ll bring to the conference our last generation solutions as biological indicators, highlighting the importance of the efficiency of sterilization in medical environments.

The initiative of exporting brazilian products to the whole world marks a meaningful step in the global expansion and recognition of the quality of the biological indicators manufactured by the company. This expansion to global markets offers an opportunity to share the practices and patterns of quality that characterize Hygia Bio, promoting therefore the excelency in sterilization at a global scale.

Besides that, by exporting brazilian products to the entire world, the company contributes to promoting the innovation and technological advancements in the international healthcare scenario.

We’ll be located in the Stand SA. G54 – Dubai World Trade Center

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