We’ll be at MEDICA – The biggest B2B hospital conference in the world.

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It is a pleasure inform that we from Hygia will be present at MEDICA 2023, the biggest B2B hospital conference in the world. From November 13th to 16th, a global encounter of healthcare professionals, innovators and industrial leaders will occur. It’ll have more than 4.500 expositors, coming from 66 countries, attracting 81.000 visitors from the entire world.

MEDICA – The biggest medical conference in the world

MEDICA occurs annually in Dusseldorf, Germany and it is, without a doubt, the main conference of medical and hospital equipment in the world. In 2020, for the first, there wasn’t an edition due to the pandemic, but this year it will be in person and we will be there.

Besides the conference, MEDICA hosts forums and congresses of international impact. Many forums will be included in the Seiva package, with English translation. There are also congresses, with a separate signing-up fee. This event is a fertile ground for ideas in the medical field, solutions in IT, healthcare practices, and alternative healing procedures. 

This international forum of medicine announces that this year there’ll be many presentations related to exclusive innovation at the global level. Check out below some key-aspects of the conference!

Exposition of Products and Medical Technologies

The conference offers a platform for more than 5.000 expositors from the entire world to present their products, medical equipment and devices, surgical instruments, diagnostic technologies, pharmaceutical products, medical software, and many more. The visitors have the opportunity to explore the latest innovations and healthcare advances.


The conference also includes the MEDICA CONNECTED HEALTHCARE FORUM, where specialists debate current topics related to digital medicine, connected healthcare, and technological innovations in the healthcare field. It is a space for the discussion of emerging tendencies, such as telemedicine, AI in medicine, vestive devices, and digital health.

Medical Congress

Parallel to the exposition, MEDICA also hosts a congress, which offers many presentations and workshops, approaching medical and scientific themes. This congress attracts medics, researchers and other healthcare professionals interested in updates about medical research and clinical practice.

Conference compromised with Innovation

MEDICA is known to be a launch platform for innovations in the medical technology field. Many companies use the conference to present their products and the most recent research.

Networking and Business Opportunities

The conference is an ideal environment to make contacts, establish commercial partnerships and collaborations, as well as expand the contact network in the healthcare industry.

The industrial portal MEDICA is the main international platform of information that gathers manufacturers, specialized retailers, researchers, and users of the medical technology industry. The portal B2B is constantly updating and offers daily content of high quality in its five spheres of MEDICA, which reflect the latest tendencies and developments of the medical world.

The directed research’s function allows the expositors and visitors of the conference find quickly and with ease the relevant information so they can keep themselves updated.

Besides that, the event offers a wide area of services that go from databases of expositors with catalogs of products, to online matchmaking, and hotel research. This way, the visitors to the conference can plan their trip and enjoy most of their time in the place.


We from Hygia will be present at this great conference to participate in this great moment and to bring even more innovation. The image below shows where we’ll be at the event.

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